
State road No 18 Olszyna-Golnice

  • Olszyna-Golnice
  • Olszyna-Golnice
  • Olszyna-Golnice

State road No 18 is rated among main Polish roads of industrial and tourist significance. It connects A4 motorway with border crossing in Olszyna. Skanska received an order for realization of two sections of north roadway of state road No 18. Section I from Olszyna junction to Królów junction is 8,92 km long with bitumen surface and section III from Żary junction to Iłowa junction is 12,57 km long with concrete surface. The contract included reconstruction of the whole technical infrastructure - power transmission lines, water supply systems, etc. Alongside the road we constructed new engineering facilities and we rebuilt the existing road flyovers over the newly constructed roadway. Storm rain water sewerage system was also reconstructed and appliances reducing road traffic inconvenience for the surrounding environment were also installed (appliances treating storm rain water flowing off the roadway, retention tanks for colecction and storage of excessive storm rain water, screening green strips, etc.). Flyovers above state road No 18 were adapted to the function of passages for medium and large animals and the existing culverts on water courses were adapted for passages for small animals. Moreover, we realized a few dozens of new road culverts enabling migration of small wild game. The whole route was fenced and on bridge facilities acoustic screen panels were installed. We also realized a few dozens kilometers of roads for forestry. Vehicular and pedestrain traffic safety improved in a significant way.

Works consisted in construction of an additional roadway with motorway parameters designed for the traffic in the German border crossing direction. It was necessary to organize concrete batching plant for the purpose of realizing concrete surfaces - c.a. 86 000 m³. The whole projest was a great logistic and technological challenge.

After state road No 18 was handed over for use, driving comfort improved significantly. Motor truck traffic in the neighbouring villages decreased and at the same time safety of their inhabitants - in particular children - increased.

Last updated: 8/16/2017

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