ABB, global leader in power and automation technologies, decided to extend its previous lease agreement on office space in Axis office building in Krakow by additional 10 000 sqm. Therefore, Axis will become the company’s important operational center in Europe.
ABB decided to relocate into Axis in September 2015 and signed a lease agreement on half of the building where it planned to consolidate several of its Krakow-based departments. Afterwards, the tenant decided to extend its presence within Skanska’s office building.
- The decision to extend our co-operation with Skanska is linked to the dynamic development of competences and growth in employment in the IT sector. We are planning to employ additional 1 000 specialist by the end of 2018 and Axis office building meets our company’s development plans and, furthermore, will enable to consolidate all of ABB’s previous, Krakow-based offices – says Janusz Machnicki, Country Real Estate Manager at ABB.
- The business success of Axis as a building that quickly found both investor and main tenant is the best evidence for great interest among businesses in the office market in Krakow. Our project is tailor-made to fit Krakow – one of the best locations for business in Europe. By launching our co-operation with ABB relatively early and thanks to our close relations, we were able to fully adjust Axis to ABB’s needs as well as introduce innovative technological solutions provided by the tenant – says Ewelina Kałużna, Leasing and Asset Management Director of Skanska Property Poland.
Business services sector is developing dynamically in Krakow. For several years the city has been consequently recognized as the best European location as well as one of the best locations in the world for the development of outsourcing companies. Investors are attracted primarily by its wide circle of specialists with experience in managing advanced business processes.
Axis office building confirms the business success of Skanska Property Poland. The developer fully leased and sold the project long before delivering it to market, which is scheduled on Q4 2016. Axis is the company’s second office investment in Krakow. Its first project was Kapelanka 42 – a complex of two office buildings which, similarly to Axis, is fully leased and sold to two investors. In March 2016, Skanska launched the development of High Five, project located at Pawia Street in Krakow in close proximity to the Dworzec Główny railway station.
Axis: key facts and numbers
- Total leasable space in Axis: 20 000 sqm GLA
- Scheduled deliverance to market of Phase I: Q4 2016
- The first phase of the complex will provide 174 parking places and 102 bicycle racks for cyclists
- Certification: LEED Gold Shell & Core
- Skanska S.A. is the general contractor for Axis. The architectural project was designed by Artur Jasiński i Wspólnicy Biuro Architektoniczne studio.Skanska Property Poland is responsible for its commercialization.